


大会テーマは、「生涯にわたる内科臨床能力の育成 ~新内科専門医制度からの出発~」“Fostering Lifetime Fundamental Competences for Internists -Beyond Board Certification System-”でございます。新専門医制度がはじまり内科の基本的臨床力を養成する研修を行ったうえで、各サブスぺ内科の道に進むことにより、「すそ野が広く頂の高い医師」が生まれることが期待されます。新制度の中でどのようにすればジェネラルマインドを持った医師が育ち、スペシャリストとなった後もこの能力を生涯維持していけるのか、ということが議論の焦点になります。内科医の多くはある程度のキャリアを積んだ後、開業医としてプライマリケア診療を開始したり、一般市中病院で定年を迎えたりします。つまり自分の専門分野の仕事だけを医師人生を通じて継続できるのはほんの一握りです。特に超高齢社会においては自分の専門外の問題も取り組まざるを得ない状況は増加するでしょう。このような状況では早期のジェネラルマインドが重要であり、生涯にわたる内科臨床能力をどのように養成するのかは大切な議論となります。プレナリーセッションにて、日米の医学教育の第一人者である洛和会ヘルスケアシステムの松村理司先生、板橋中央総合病院の加藤良太郎先生にご登壇いただき、この日本の内科研修の最大の課題にメスを入れます。さらに2019年のACP presidentであるRobert M. McLean先生からもご意見をうかがうこととなります。


各企画については興味深くためになるものが満載です。黒川清先生には特別講演として最長寿国、経済成長停滞、借金増加の日本において、内科医の将来と ACP への参加の意義を考え、これからの中長期的な医療提供、内科医の課題をお話しいただきます。

そのほか昨年同様、若手医師チームによる病院対抗臨床クイズトーナメントである「Dr.’s Dilemma」、優秀臨床研究を競い合う「黒川賞」を開催し、臨床からアカデミアまでの盛り上がりが期待されます。

そして最後に注目いただきたいのは学会企画です。特に目玉は「最新論文から始まるレクチャーマラソン」です。今回の総会からはじまったもので、毎年好評を得ております「最新論文20選」からスタートして、その後一般内科的な20分間の様々なミニレクチャーがずっと続きます。シンポジウムルームにいるだけで内科の基本的な知識が学べる企画となっております。その他、今回は日常診療で非専門医が知っておきたい、かゆいところに手が届く企画が目白押しです! 若手医師の知識強化、ベテラン医師の復習にもってこいです。

  • HIV検査陽性!さあどうする?
  • ジェネラリストのためのフローサイトメトリー
  • 不定愁訴が好きになる60分
  • 肺エコーを用いた呼吸不全へのアプローチ
  • 日常診療で結核症を見落とさないこつ
  • 内科医のための多変量解析と傾向スコア分析の読み方
  • 皮膚疾患、内科医が診ても絶対間違えない方法
  • 世界を目指す貴方へ贈る...救急外来診療の原則
  • 不明熱になりやすい腫瘍を知る



濱口 杉大

Greeting from the chair of ACP Japan Chapter Annual Meeting 2019

On behalf of the Science Program Committee of ACP Japan Chapter, I am highly pleased to welcome you to the ACP Japan Chapter Annual Meeting 2019 at Kyoto University in June 8th and 9th.

The main subject of the meeting is “Fostering Lifetime Fundamental Competences for Internists –Beyond Board Certification System--”
The new specialty board certification system has just been introduced in Japan. Under the new system all physicians were going to receive a training for fundamental competences of general internal medicine before they proceed to the next upper stage of sub-specialty. Specialists holding “a high peak with a broad bottom” in clinical capability will be expected to be produced. However, young doctors still tend to choose a training course for sub-specialty and to avoid the training for general internal medicine, the tendency of which is almost the same as the old system deeply influenced by Japanese traditional “Ikyoku” system. They want to become a specialist as soon as possible even without a training for general internal medicine. This tendency leads to the production of doctors with a high peak with narrow basis, not “a high peak with a broad bottom”.
On the other hand, most doctors finish their careers as a doctor at a private clinic or a doctor working at a community hospital, only a small handful of whom can keep working at the specialty section of a large hospital who will take care of patients only with diseases belonging to their specialty. In that situation, most physicians have to take care of patients not only with diseases of their specialty areas but also those out of their specialty. Therefore, they have to keep and foster fundamental competences of general internal medicine over the course of their clinical lives. Given the super-aging society of Japan and the need for managing elderly patients with multiple problems, this competency will be in high demand and the discussion on how to foster this competency will be high in priority. In the plenary session of the annual meeting, we will have a great discussion on this important priority with Dr. Tadashi Matsumura from Otowa Health Care System, leading expert of medical education in Japan, Dr. Ryotaro Kato from Itabashi Chuo Medical Center, pioneer of Japanese hospitalists, and Dr. Robert McLean, president of ACP.

This 2-day meeting will surely provide you with efficient learning of internal medicine from the basics to updated knowledge which the members of ACP have created together in order to afford “a learning opportunity for all internists.”
All you need is make a payment for the meeting registration fee only, and you can attend all sessions without extra session fees. In case that the session seats are already fully booked, you can attend it as a standee.

You have plenty of interesting and instructive sessions in the meeting. Given the title of “Challenge of Japanese physicians in new Era, Reiwa”, Dr. Kiyoshi Kurokawa gives a special talk about the role and responsibility of Japanese physicians for, the impacts of ACP Japan Chapter on, and member’s responsibility in healthcare of Japan and the world after unexpected Heisei era which failed to adapt global paradigm change.

Just as last year, Dr’s Dilemma, a tournament medical jeopardy competition among teams of young physicians from each hospital, and Kurokawa award session, oral presentations to select the most distinguished clinical research, will be in the spotlight.

Lastly, you have a new session, “Lecture Marathon-- special hours with summaries of updated clinical evidence and short educational lectures”. In this session, introduction of 20 highly selected articles with updated evidence followed by consecutive short lectures on basic clinical medicine such as a summary of guideline of major illnesses will be provided in the same room. All you need is just stay in the room.
The meeting 2019 is filled with sessions attentive to the needs of all physicians, especially non-specialists.
Also, the meeting meets the demand for all physicians regardless of their medical career.

  • How to inform HIV-test result
  • Flow cytometry in hematology for generalist; How I understand and use the result
  • You become good at medical treatment of unidentified complaint in 60 minutes.
  • Point-of-care ultrasound for patients with undifferentiated respiratory or chest complaints at the bedside.
  • Introduction to the clinical practice of Tuberculosis for physicians from clinical case
  • How to read a multivariable analysis and a propensity score analysis for internists
  • Logical diagnosis by factorizing skin eruptions of common skin diseases, as such a variety of eczema, urticaria, vasculitis: An easy understanding approach for non-dermatologist physicians to make solid diagnoses of skin diseases
  • Principles of emergency outpatient clinical practice.
  • Let's diagnose having a malignancy from fever including: Do you know when to develop fever in patients with cancer?
    (You can enjoy more sessions other than above examples)

You can enjoy English sessions and student sessions as well (see the website).
Persons who attend ACP Japan annual meeting for the first time can join the evening reception party free of charge. Please get the chance to chat with distinguished and famous doctors.
Do not miss this precious learning opportunity of the internists, by the internists, and for the internists !

Sugihiro Hamaguchi
Chair, ACP Japan Chapter Annual Meeting 2019