「Oral Presentation for Best Abstract 'Kurokawa Prize'」 口頭発表の演題が決まりました。

6月8日(土)14:20~15:40 国際科学イノベーション棟 5階 シンポジウムルームにて、口頭発表が行われます。是非ご参加ください。



6月8日(土)12:40〜14:00 国際科学イノベーション棟 5階 ホワイエにて、ポスターセッションが行われます。是非ご来場ください。

抄録一括DL PDF-17.7 MB
Poster No.  Name title
P-01 Kaori,Takahashi Two cases of Angiotensin Ⅱ Receptor Blocker induced hyponatriemi
P-02 Masayuki,Ikeda Imbalance in glycemic control between treatment and placebo groups in cardiovascular outcome trials in type 2 diabetes
P-04 Shinichiro,Koga Non-Occlusive Mesenteric Ischemia with Hyperglycemia Presenting Consciousness Deterioration
P-05 Daiki,Yokokawa A Case of Giardiasis in a Japanese Organic Farmer
P-06 Shiro,TARA Tuberculosis Osteomyelitis of the Mid-Foot; Tissue is Issue
P-07 Takaaki,Shigematsu Prulent Pericarditis Caused by Campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus after Eating Raw Meat
P-08 Shikino,Kiyoshi Swelling of both arms and chest after push-ups: Exercise-induced rhabdomyolysis
P-09 Maho,Katayama 演題取り下げ A Case of IgG4-related Coronary Periarteritis Presented by Syncope
P-10 Toshiyuki,Nakanishi Stiff-person syndrome leads to the misdiagnosis with psychiatric diseases.
P-11 Manabu,IZUMI Miraculous recovery from late complication of CO intoxication, Case report
P-12 So,Motomura Marked improvement of sterile mandibular osteomyelitis with long term NSAIDs: always bear SAPHO syndrome in mind
P-14 Tomoki,Yokoyama Acute Parvovirus B19 Infection Showing False Positive Results for Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Hepatitis C Virus, And Syphilis.
P-15 Osamu,Hamada Impact of the hospitalist system in Japan on quality of care and healthcare economics
P-16 Mayumi,Doi Chickenpox in a geriatric patient presenting as facial paralysis after exanthemata
P-17 Kai,Saito Creation of a novel 72-hour outcome prognosis prediction model for patients with high critical levels of aspartic aminotransferase: Cross-sectional study, Case-control design
P-18 Satoshi,Suzuki Myocardial perforation and cardiac tamponade as an early complication of infective endocarditis.
P-19 Haruka,Namba Being hidden in vessels : lymphoma without lymphadenopathy
P-20 Kenichiro,Akazawa A Tuberculosis(TB) meningitis suspected case managed with information in Japanese
P-21 Shinichiro,Morioka 演題取り下げ Evaluation of residents’ ability for standardized medical interviews in English
P-22 Asako,Hoshi Acute porphyria: anatomically unexplained abdominal pain
P-23 Yuichi,Hasegawa A rare case of Ramsay Hunt syndrome that involved cranial nerves IX and X, but not VII or VIII
P-24 Manabu,Hayakawa Nosocomial fatal necrotizing soft tissue infection by Aeromonas hydrophila in a patient with alcoholic anorexia nervosa
P-25 Tomoko,Kumakawa An unusual case of Guillain-Barre syndrome following completion of chemotherapy with R-CHOP for diffuse large B cell lymphoma
P-27 Shota,Kami A rare case of systemic AA amyloidosis and protein-losing gastroenteropathy caused by undifferentiated carcinoma
P-28 Iwata,Futoshi Abdominal pain can be the only manifestation of Legionella pneumonia: Role of routine chest X-ray.
P-29 Yojiro,Cho Scurvy in present-day Japan
P-30 Toshiro,Goto A Case Report of Disseminated Gonococcal Infection Masquerading as Crystal Induced Arthritis
P-31 Junpei,Komagamine Prevalence of potentially inappropriate medications at admission and discharge among hospitalized elderly patients.
P-32 Yuki,Hiramatsu No show and delayed diagnosis of lung cancer: importance of the reminder system
P-33 Yuki,Hara Hypermagnesemia induced by bowel preparation prior to colonoscopy in a patient without renal failure
P-34 Takuya,Ono The usefulness of the telemedical health consultation of employee annual medical check-up by the general physician
P-35 Takara,Fukasawa Empagliflozin, Sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors (SGLT2-I) may increase the risk of urinary tract infections and diabetic ketoacidosis among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D).
P-36 Koma,Hotta Odontogenic bacteremia in a patient complaining of fever with shaking chills: a case report
P-37 Osamu,Kaneko Preceding limbic encephalitis followed by a diagnosis of non-Hodgkin lymphoma
P-38 SHU,KOITO Sjogren's syndrome in an elderly woman presenting with gait disturbance: A case report
P-39 Yoshinori,Tokushima The reality of clinical management of HBs antigen-positive and HCV antibody-positive patients by non-hepatology departments of Saga University Hospital in a suburban city, Japan
P-40 Shota,Nakayama Disseminated Pasteurella multocida infection: an astonishing and unexpected cause of pyogenic spondylitis developed following septic shock
P-41 Katayama,Kohta Extranasal natural killer (NK)/T-cell lymphoma presenting acute liver failure.
P-42 Harase,Shohei A Bone causing trouble: the case of an invisible fishbone
P-43 Keisuke,Hasebe Sacral osteomyelitis caused by Pasteurella multocida after a cat scratch on a hand
P-44 Takao,Wakabayashi Hospital acquired bacteremia is associated with high mortality than community acquired bacteremia: A retrospective cohort study
P-45 Kosuke,Ishizuka A case of follicular lymphoma with secondary syphilis and increased IgG4
P-47 Atsushi,Jinno The predictors of invasive Staphylococcus aureus infection in the patients presenting Staphylococcus aureus bacteriuria at first contact in ER.
P-49 Kenta,Okada Neuro-Behcet's Disease Presenting with Slow-progressing Altered Mental Status Following to Hiccups and Depression
P-50 Marohito,Nakata 演題取り下げ A case of Chylopericardium thought that Japanese food "Nabe" prevented recurrence
P-51 Atsuyuki,Kusunoki Beyond the tissue
P-52 Takatomo,Suzuki A case of rapidly progressive dementia caused by malignant lymphoma
P-53 Narihiro(SungHo),Cho(Chang) Try ICARE,Five initiatives to support young physicians and medical students all over the world
P-54 Shotaro,Suzuki Myocarditis and pericarditis caused by mesalazine in a 16-year-old with ulcerative colitis
P-55 Tomoaki,Nakayama Rare presentation of great imitator : Mycobacterium tuberculosis(MTB) intramuscular abscess.
P-57 yurie,Yamazaki Common treatment, rare complication: Reactive arthritis secondary to Bacillus Calmette Guerin (BCG) intravesical administration for bladder cancer.
P-58 Kenji,Motohashi A case of Acute Myocardial Injury due to Eosinophilic Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (EGPA)
P-59 Masataka,Kudo A rare elderly case of survival from colon cancer-related infected aortic aneurysm caused by Clostridium septicum
P-61 Takamasa,Tanaka The presence of SIADH can be a clue to diagnose tuberculous meningitis even in a patient lacking headache
P-63 Masashi,Oe A new extracardiac manifestation of infective endocarditis : upper conjunctival hemorrhages
P-64 Keisuke,Soeda A Case of proximal renal tubular acidosis in a patient taking a SGLT2 inhibitor for type 2 diabetes
P-65 HIROMASA,SAKURAI A case in which mitral regurgitation worsens after pacemaker insertion and it needs to change the position of the pacemaker lead
P-66 Gaku,Matsumoto Combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema with pulmonary hypertension: diagnostic and management dilemmas
P-68 Yo,Murata Double Dipping: when a second skin biopsy is never
P-69 Haruka,Shionaka Acute myocardial infarction during influenza infection; is it coincidental?
P-70 Shun,Yonezaki Unexplained progressive paraplegia after initial treatment of spinal subdural abscess
P-71 Yusuke,Kanai Taking a detailed dietary history can help making a diagnosis of pellagra
P-72 Hirokazu,Ban Post-influenza Lemierre's syndrome due to Fusobacterium necrophorum- The first case report
P-73 TOMOYUKI,NAGASAKA Hypercalcemia due to malignant lymphoma
P-74 Yuki,Hinata A case of aseptic meningitis following mumps vaccination in adolescence
P-75 Koya,Okazaki Fifty percent glucose pleurodesis for secondary pneumothorax in a severely immunosuppressed patient with interstitial lung disease: a case report
P-76 Kohei,Kamegai Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome Presenting as Postprandial Pain Incidentally Discovered in the Contrast - Enhanced Computed Tomography Scan.
P-77 Yayoi,Miyamatsu Escitalopram, Mirtazapine, and Quetiapine Induced Serotonin Syndrome
P-78 Shu,Takeuchi Delayed diagnosis of scrub typhus can lead to rapid clinical deterioration
P-79 Yohei,Morita Comprehensive Problem-Based System(CPBS) : outline and case which diagnosed by using it


  • ACP日本支部年次総会・講演会では一般演題ポスターセッションを実施します。
  • 会員・非会員問わずご応募いただけます。(会員になるにはこちら)
  • 応募演題から数編を事前選抜し、6月8日に行われるポスターセッションとは別に、"Best Abstract"候補者による口頭発表会を開催し、当日の選考により、"Best Abstract"を決定します。2018年度から"Best Abstract"は「黒川賞」として表彰されます。表彰の対象者は筆頭発表者で、ACP会員(入会申請中を含む)に限ります。
  • 黒川賞は、ACP日本支部設立にご尽力され、初代支部長としてもACP日本支部発展に大きく貢献された黒川清先生の業績を記念して設立されました。元UCLA教授で東京大学および政策研究大学院名誉教授でもある黒川清先生のプロフィールは http://kiyoshikurokawa.com/ で確認できます。
  • 「黒川賞」は部門別(学生部門、研修医部門[初期および後期研修医]、若手医師部門[後期研修終了後,かつ演題登録時卒後15年目以内の医師])に選抜される予定です。評価のポイントは英語の巧さではなく、内容と抄録、発表の質です。症例報告も臨床研究にも適用されます。
  • 黒川賞を受賞された筆頭発表者が、会員かつ学生または研修医(臨床研修医、後期研修医)、演題登録時卒後15年目以内の医師である場合、2020年度の米国ACP総会に応募演題の投稿を支援します。(投稿前にScientific Program Committeeの助言を受けることも可能です)
    受理された場合は、日本支部から10万円のtravel grantを助成します。
  • 採択された抄録はプログラム集に掲載され、プログラム集は医学中央雑誌へ収録されます。
  • 抄録を作成するためのガイドを用意しましたので、是非ご活用ください。





  1. 演題登録締め切り 2019年 2月28日(木)
  2. 内科の臨床・教育や予防管理に関連した臨床研究・症例報告を受け付けます。
  3. 明らかな重複投稿とわかる演題は採択しない方針です。
  4. 言語はすべて英語で入力ください。
  5. 字数制限:演題名及び抄録本文を合わせ:半角英字 2000 Characters (2000文字)(スペース、ピリオドを含む)
  6. 図表の使用はできません。
  7. 英字および数字はスペースを含め半角で入力してください。
  8. 先頭行は1マス空けたりせずに左詰で入力してください。
  9. 登録された抄録に関しては、誤字・脱字・変換ミスを含め、原則 として事務局では校正・訂正を行ないません。そのまま印刷され ますので、登録者の責任において確認してください。
  10. 登録締め切り後の原稿の変更および共著者の追加、変更は一切で きません。
  11. 採択結果は3月末頃にお送りいたします。採択結果とともに発表の詳細を通知いたします。(締め切り延長になった場合は、採択結果の通知も延長しますので、あらかじめご了承下さい。)

米国内科学会(ACP)日本支部 2019年年次総会では、一般演題募集を募集しています。採択された一般演題は、英語でポスター掲示(ポスターセッションの時間に、日本語でディスカッション[希望者は英語でも可能です] )を行なっていただきます。"Best Abstract"候補者による6月8日の口頭発表会では英語による発表,質疑応答を行っていただきます。
