ACP日本支部年次総会・講演会2021 |
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大会テーマは、「臨床医のアカデミックマインドの活性化」“Activate Academic Mind in Busy Clinicians !” でございます。これは新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大により延期となった2020年のものを継承しております。
今回はこの「忙しい臨床 vs. アカデミックな活動」という、重要かつ差し迫った問題に年次総会・講演会の場で、参加者の皆様で切り込んでいきましょう!
米国のACP本部からは老年医学・医学教育Dr. Eileen Moserに登壇いただき、ご自身の経験を踏まえて米国での状況を教授いただきます。
そこで今回は黒川賞の前に、初心者でも臨床研究の基礎学習ができるように考えました。日本の臨床研究の第一人者である福原俊一先生(MACP)のご高配ご尽力により、アカデミックマインドを涵養する目玉企画として、「アカデミック内科医への道標 (On the Road to Academic Internist)」というロングセッションを、お仲間とともに提供していただけることになりました。臨床研究の基礎を学ぶ事ができるレクチャーと、臨床研究の可視化力を手にすることができるハンズオンを組み合わせた7コマのセッションになっています。事前学習も用意されています。
臨床系のセッションも興味深い企画が集まりました。毎年好評をいただいている、「最新論文20選」、「Dr’s Dilemma」はかかせません。
英語企画として、Dr. David Scraseによる、「どろぼう市場、Thieve’s market」が日本初上陸します。またACPインド支部、バングラディッシュ支部からもそれぞれHotな話題のレクチャーをいただく予定です。
ACP日本支部 Scientific Program Committee(SPC)委員長
On behalf of the Science Program Committee of ACP Japan Chapter, I am highly pleased to welcome you to the ACP Japan Chapter Annual Meeting 2021 convening online on June 26th and 27th.
The main subject of the meeting is “Activate Academic Mind in Busy Clinicians!”. This is the same subject as the last year meeting which was postponed because of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.
Good clinicians often struggle to strike a balance every day between patient care with a large amount of clinically responsible mission and academic activities with a little amount of time. The load of clinical tasks is sometimes so overwhelming that clinicians are up to their ears, leading to a drop in motivation for academic activities and eventually a decrease in academic mind.
Let us face with and discuss this important and relevant issue, “clinical load vs. academic motivation” in busy clinicians.
Dr. Eileen Moser, specialist of geriatric medicine and medical education, from ACP will talk about this issue in the United States.
In the plenary session, Dr. Shun Kosaka from Keio Medical University and Dr. Jun Miyashita from Shirakawa Kosei General Hospital, the perfect example of two-way players with enormous academic outputs while working as a very busy clinician. They will talk about how to increase academic outputs in a busy clinical life based on their experience before open discussion with audience in the plenary session.
Kurokawa Award, the best presentation award for clinical research, is a symbol of academia in ACP Japan Chapter, and it will pave the way toward the activation of academic mind in the members of ACP Japan Chapter. Before the time slot of Kurokawa Award, we will provide a basic learning session, “On the Road to Academic Internist”, for you to learn ABC for clinical research so that you can deeply learn and enjoy Kurokawa Award. This long session for the basis of clinical research is organized by Dr. Shunichi Fukuhara (MACP), leading expert in the field of “Clinical Research by Clinicians” in Japan, and his distinguished colleagues with their great courtesy and assistance. This session consists of 7 sub-sessions including lectures on basic clinical research and hands-on learnings for enhancing ability to bring research questions to fruition. Pre-sessional learning will also be provided to participants in advance. This opportunity undoubtedly enables you to profoundly understand the discussion in Kurokawa Award and positively activate your academic mind.
You cannot miss out on other interesting clinical sessions such as “Short Review of 20 New and Highly Selected Articles” and “Dr’s Dilemma”.
Great clinician-educators, Dr. Masatomo Kiyota from Izuka Hospital, Dr. Tomio Suzuki from Osaka Medical University, and Dr. Norimichi Uenishi from Fujita Medical University, will provide attractive and educational lectures on an interesting case discussion with clinical reasoning, autoinflammatory diseases, and COVID-19 with clinical and physiological perspectives, respectively.
A popular clinical case discussion in ACP in the States, “Thieve’s market” by Dr. David Scrase arrives in Japan Chapter for the first time. Dr. A. Muruganathan, Dr. R. Rajasekar, and Dr. Anuj Maheshwari from ACP Indian Chapter, and Dr. Nazmul Ahasan from ACP Bangladesh Chapter will provide us with hot topics in their specialties.
This two-day meeting will definitely activate your academic mind and undoubtedly provide you with a clue to be the two-way player. Your active participation is more than welcome!
Sugihiro Hamaguchi, MD DTMH MSc PhD FACP
ACP Japan Chapter Annual Meeting 2021
Scientific Program Committee, ACP Japan Chapter