

ACP日本支部年次総会・講演会2024 大会長挨拶

ACP日本支部 年次総会・講演会2024 会長 北野夕佳

会長 北野夕佳きたの ゆか
横浜市西部病院 救命救急センター




I.M. PROUD: To Stay Updated and Current as a Lifelong Learner





The theme ford this year is
I.M. PROUD: To Stay Updated and Current as a Lifelong Learner

For generalists or physicians who have subspeciality but still proudly engage in general practice, it may sometimes feel overwhelming to keep your knowledge and skills updated in various fields of medical practice.

We, the ACP Japan Chapter, would like to be an organization to provide resources and opportunities to help you keep updated and confident in your practice. Our Annual Meeting, 2024 is also a wonderful opportunity to build your lifelong network with likeminded physicians.

We look forward to your participation and meeting each of you.

Yuka Kitano, M.D.
Chairperson, ACP Japan Annual Conference

ACP日本支部 支部長挨拶

ACP日本支部 年次総会・講演会2024 支部長 矢野(五味)晴美

支部長 矢野(五味)晴美やの(ごみ)はるみ

支部長に就任し早1年が経過しようとしております。2023-2027年の4年間の任期中に、多様性の推進、予防医学の推進、教育科学に基づいた連続性のある卒前、卒後、生涯教育の実践を3つの大きな柱にして学会活動を進めております。年に1回のACP日本支部の年次総会・講演会は、ACP日本支部のプロフェッショナルとしてのあり方、提言などを体現する重要な機会と認識しております。この度、Scientific Program Committee委員長・大会長の北野夕佳先生と協力し、総合内科の真髄を体現し、かつ学術的に質の高い多くのセッションを実現できますことを大変、心強くうれしく感じております。2024年4月から働き方改革が施行されますが、今回のプレナリーとして、私の支部長Class of 2027の同期であるノースキャロライナ支部長のDr. Marion McCraryをお招きし、Well-being 2.0についてお話しいただきます。多くの皆様に、対面でお会いできますことを楽しみにしております。

Governor’s Statement for the ACP Japan Chapter Annual Conference 2024

It has been almost a year since I was appointed as the Governor of the ACP Japan Chapter. Throughout 2023 to 2027 of my term, I am committed to pursue three major activities. First, promoting diversity among the members of the ACP Japan Chapter including the Governor Advisory Committee, Japan Chapter. Second, promoting evidence-based best practices in preventive medicine in Japan, and lastly promoting seamless evidence-based best practices for undergraduate, graduate, and continuing professional development. Given these, the Annual Conference 2024 of the ACP Japan Chapter cannot better underscore and demonstrate our professional attitudes and advocacies. The Chairperson, Dr. Yuka Kitano and I have been collaborating very effectively, and I am pleased to capture the essence of general internal medicine and provide our members and participants with many academically high-quality sessions. We invited Governor Marion McCrary for the plenary lecture on Well-being 2.0, given the fact that the Japanese Law on working hours will be effective as of April 2024. We look forward to meeting you all in person at the Annual Conference in Tokyo.

Harumi Gomi, M.D., FACP
Governor, ACP Japan Chapter

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