Internal Medicine Meeting 2023ポスター発表体験レポート(2)


ACP日本支部年次総会・講演会2022 黒川賞(学生部門)を受賞して国立国際医療研究センターの岩田 純奈先生から、Internal Medicine Meeting 2023ポスター発表の体験レポートを頂きましたのでご報告いたします。

この度、2023年4月27日から29日にアメリカ・サンディエゴで開催された、米国内科学会総会2023 のNational Abstract Competitionに参加させていただきました。

米国内科学会日本支部総会2022においてMedical Student部門の黒川賞をいただいたため、米国内科学会総会での発表を日本支部よりご支援いただきました。私にとっては初めての現地での学会であり、それがさらに海外であることから当初は不安が大きかったのですが、抄録の登録から渡航まで日本支部の先生方やスタッフの皆様に旅費も含めた多くのサポートを受け、私の初の海外学会発表が実現しました。


発表自体はあっという間に終わってしまいましたが、発表の時間以外にも学会を目一杯満喫することができました。医学生や若手医師向けの講演に参加したり、ベッドサイドのスキルを学ぶスキルスセンターで実際に身体診察の練習をしたり、また大変優秀なInternational medical graduateと交流を行ったりなど、短い時間ではありましたが、刺激的で興味深い経験を積むことができました。日本では研修医生活がはじまったばかりというタイミングだったので、自分が今後どのようなキャリアを積むべきかを考えるきっかけとなりましたし、米国や日本で活躍されているロールモデルとなる先生方にも出会うことができ、まさにLife Changing Experienceになりました。この経験を活かして、今後も精進して参ります。



I participated in the National Abstract Competition of the Internal Medicine Meeting 2023 held in San Diego, U.S., from April 27 to 29, 2023.

As I received the Kurokawa Award in the Medical Student category at the American College of Physician Japan Chapter Meeting 2022, the Japanese Chapter supported me to have a poster presentation at the Internal Medicine Meeting 2023. I was initially very anxious because it would be my first on-site academic conference, and even more so because it would be held abroad. However, I received a lot of support, including financial support, from the physicians and staff of the Japan Chapter, from abstract registration to travel fees, and my first presentation at the conference in the U.S.  was realized.

I gave a poster presentation on the morning of April 29 (local time). The theme was ” The perceptions of overseas experiences among medical students in Japan: a national, online survey”, which summarized the responses from 548 Japanese medical students about how interested they were in studying and working abroad. On the day of the presentation, I was almost put off by the high quality of the poster presentations by U.S. medical students around me. Nevertheless, I was able to present with confident in front of the three judges and the Japanese participants who visited me to listen to my presentation. I was relieved that the judges listened to my presentation and asked me questions with their interest, even though my research targeted Japanese medical students.

Although the presentation itself was over in a flash, I was able to fully enjoy various contents at the conference. I attended many lectures for medical students and young doctors, practiced physical examination at the Skills Center where I learned bedside skills, and interacted with very talented international medical graduates. Every moment at the conference was an interesting and stimulating experience. Since I had just started my junior residency in Japan, it gave me a chance to think about what kind of career I would like to pursue in the future. Moreover, I met role models who actively work as a physician in the U.S. and Japan. It was truly a life-changing experience, and I will continue to make the most of this experience.

Finally, I would like to thank the American College of Physicians Japan Chapter and for supporting my presentation at IM2023.










Internal Medicine Meeting 2023ポスター発表体験レポート(1)


ACP日本支部年次総会・講演会2022 黒川賞(若手医師部門)を受賞してマウント・サイナイ・アイカーン医科大学の原田 洸先生から、Internal Medicine Meeting 2023ポスター発表の体験レポートを頂きましたのでご報告いたします。






I am pleased to announce my participation in the annual meeting of the American College of Physicians (ACP) in 2023. I would like to express my gratitude for the travel support from the ACP Japan Chapter that made this participation possible.

At the conference, I presented a poster that was selected for the Japan Chapter Award, detailing the trends in sarcoidosis mortality rates in Japan. We analyzed sarcoidosis-related mortality in Japan over the past 20 years among the older population, which revealed an increase in sarcoidosis related mortality rate, especially in the older population with a female predominance. Sarcoidosis has been attracting increasing attention recently, and the poster presentation drew the interest of many participants, leading to a meaningful Q&A session.

I have attended several international medical conferences previously, and I noticed that the ACP conferences are distinguished by their sophisticated lectures. The speakers were all excellent, focusing on important topics for internists in their talks and slides, allowing me to learn content that will be useful from the next day of the conference. The lecture addressing the issues within the U.S. insurance system was especially intriguing. The U.S. medical insurance system is highly complex, representing one of the major differences between Japanese and U.S. healthcare. This was an excellent opportunity for me to contemplate the ideal medical insurance system.

The conference was a valuable platform for information exchange, where I was able to gain new knowledge from experts around the world and share my own research widely. I plan to continue actively participating in ACP Japan Chapter conferences and the annual ACP conferences, and will strive to contribute to the advancement of the ACP Japan Chapter. Finally, I would like to extend my thanks once again to all those involved in the ACP Japan Chapter for providing this wonderful experience.