Governor’s Newsletter(May. 2023)



3G (Gender, Generation, Geography)を超えて

3E(Equitable, Enjoyable, Empowering)の実現へ

米国内科学会日本支部 支部長



1.多様性の推進において、日本支部の運営においてこれまで以上に多様性を重視し、多角的な視点を取り入れます。特にGovernor Advisory Council には、学生、研修医、早期キャリア医師、女性の方々に積極的に参加いただける体制としました。

またWell-being 2.0の時代となり、医師の健康・安寧についても組織として推進して参ります。


3.教育科学に基づき、卒前・卒後・生涯教育が、連続性を持ちつながるように、学会として教育セッションを充実させたいと考えております。教育の一環で、国内外のACP会員のコラボレーションを促進し、英知を共有し、よりよい患者診療が実現できるように尽力します。 特に学生、初期研修医の方に総合内科のコアの部分を体験いただくための“Rising Star Scholarship Program”開始します。

国内の大きな課題である3G (Gender, Generation, Geography)の大きなギャップを乗り越えて、3E(Equitable, Enjoyable, Empowering)の組織を実現できるように尽力して参りますので、何卒よろしくお願い申し上げます。


ACP日本支部 支部長



New Governor’s Statement

I succeeded Governor Kenji Maeda as of April 29, 2023, and have been appointed the 5th Governor of the Japan Chapter of the American College of Physicians. The COVID-19 pandemic has almost ended, and the new post-COVID-19 era has begun. As the Governor, I have three objectives that I aim to accomplish during the next four years. First, I would like to promote more diversity in this chapter as well as within the country at large. Secondly, I would like to promote evidence-based preventive medicine, including cancer screening and adult vaccination programs. Thirdly, I would like to promote evidence-based education for health professionals which seamlessly links the undergraduate, postgraduate, and continuing professional development stages.

Allow me to explain these three objectives in more detail.

1.Promoting diversity

I shall be including more medical students, residents/fellows, and early-career physicians and women to the Governor Advisory Committee in order to incorporate a broader perspective with which to navigate the chapter. In addition, in the era of Well-being 2.0, we will be promoting the health and well-being of physicians from an organizational standpoint.

2.Promoting evidence-based preventive medicine

In order to pursue this goal, the Preventive Medicine Task Force Committee was established, and began its activities this year. This task force shall promote evidence-based preventative medicine as an academic society by delivering recommendations to clinicians.

3.Promoting evidence-based education to health professions

I will promote seamless evidence-based education for healthcare professionals that seamlessly link the undergraduate, postgraduate, and continuing professional development stages. As part of this education, we will promote international collaboration between ACP members in Japan and abroad in order to share wisdom and realize better patient care. Another project includes the “Rising Star Scholarship Program.” This scholarship program will be launched this year to support early career residents in Internal Medicine.

We look forward to the continued support of all Members, Fellows, and Masters, as we strive to overcome the 3Gs (Gender, Generation, Geography) gap which is a major challenge in Japan, and to achieve the 3Es (Equitable, Enjoyable, and Empowering) within the organization. I truly appreciate your understanding and cooperation in advance.


Harumi Gomi, MD, MPH, FACP, FIDSA

Governor, ACP Japan Chapter


Governor’s Newsletter(Feb. 2023)




2019年に支部長になって初めての仕事はCredentials Membership Committee (CMC)の改変事業でした。委員長の山田康秀先生の献身的なご協力も頂き、日本全国で活躍しておられるFACPの先生方を地域別に分けて、それぞれの地域の中で入会希望者やFACP昇格希望者の推薦を行える体制を整えることができました。お陰様でFACP昇格者も順調に増えています。





ACP日本支部 支部長


Governor’s Newsletter(Nov. 2022)


It is hard to believe that the year 2022 is almost over. My term as a governor will end at the next annual meeting, Internal Medicine 2023, which will be held in San Diego during April 27th until 29th next year. I have not been able to attend the annual meetings since 2020 because of covid-19 turmoil and the last BOG meeting in autumn this year in Savannah GA was cancelled because of the Hurricane Ian (and switched to the remote conference). That’s the reason why I strongly hope to participate in the next annual meeting in San Diego. I hope many members from our chapter will attend the meeting too.

Some of the committees in our chapter are planning to hold seminars in December: a seminar concerning PMR will be hosted by Generalism-Continuing Medical Education Committee on December 13th and a seminar for residents and early carrier physicians concerning “how to make clinical questions through case studies” will be hosted by Resident Fellow Committee on December 3rd. I hope many attendees will get something to bring back home.

Finally, I want to wish all of you and your family happy, safe and peaceful Holiday Season.

Kenji Maeda, MD, FACP


Governor’s Newsletter(Aug. 2022)


夏も終わり、いよいよ待ちに待った秋の訪れが近づいています。Covid-19は今後どうなるのか、まだ読めない状況が続いていますが今後鎮静化することを願っています。この秋にはジョージア州で支部長会議(BOG meeting)があり出席の予定ですが、日本再入国(帰国)時の検査の陰性証明取得がちょっと厄介です。日本政府が必要としている検査が必ずしもどこでも受けられるわけではなく、会議のある街には該当機関が無いのです。仕方なく帰国前に乗り継ぎ予定のシカゴで延泊して検査を受ける手筈になりました。米国や欧州の一部の国では既に規制が撤廃されて自由に入国できるところが増えている現状で日本の規制は厳しすぎるという声もあります。一方で感染が収束せず、これ以上蔓延しては困るので規制を続けるべきという声にも一理あります。今後日本は大きな決断を迫られるのではないかという気がします。いずれにしてもまだまだ気を緩めるわけにはいかない日々が続きそうです。「追記:9月7日から帰国時のPCR検査は不要になります」




ACP日本支部 支部長


Governor’s Newsletter(Jun. 2022)


Greetings to the all the Chapter members!

It was unfortunate that we couldn’t attend the ACP 2022 Annual Meeting in Chicago (IMM 2022) at the end of April due to the Covid-19 restrictions. But you should find good things in a bad situation – as it was held in a hybrid style, we could see some of the lectures online, although time difference was a limiting factor. Many sessions were recorded and are available for several months after the meeting so that you can watch some of them later.

The 2023 ACP Annual Meeting will be held at the end of April 2023 in San Diego. I hope that next year there will be many physicians from Japan at the meeting. Start planning now!

Let’s talk about our Chapter’s Scientific Meeting 2022. It will be held completely online on Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th this month. Some of the sessions will be distributed on-demand to the participants during some period after the meeting so that you can view sessions you missed.

With Covid-19 still a present threat to our health and well-being, please remember to take care of yourselves and take time to treasure those who are most dear in your lives.

All the best,

Kenji Maeda

Governor’s Newsletter(Feb. 2022)






ACP日本支部 支部長


Governor’s Newsletter(Nov. 2021)


Fall is in full swing now and the covid-19 patients are rapidly decreasing in number, thanks to your endeavor. Subsequently, Winter is approaching but I hope there won’t be the sixth wave of the pandemic even in the cold season. To prevent the recurrence of the disease, we should be careful enough and learn about the virus. As a member of ACP I have appreciated the resources and support from ACP in providing care for the covid-19 patients. I encourage you to review the latest updates in the ACP homepage.

In this season, we are going to elect the Governor-Elect (GE) in the vote. Both of the candidates have leadership and cognizant of ACP matters well. So I firmly believe that he/she will be a good GE. If you haven’t voted yet, please make haste with your vote – the deadline is November 5th.

Lastly, let me ask you to stay current with your ACP membership, and to recommend to your professional IM colleagues and student/resident affiliates that they maintain and/or renew ACP membership. Membership provides you with various privileges including free access to Annals of Internal Medicine and other multiple free online resources, and we are planning to add more to the Japan chapter members in the near future.

I wish all of you a safe, healthy, and happy upcoming holiday season.

Kenji Maeda

Governor’s Message (Aug 2021)




さて、9月は毎年恒例の「Women in Medicine month」です。周囲でFACPに相応しい女性医師の会員の方がおられたら、是非地域のCMC担当の先生にご推薦ください。また、男女を問わず、優れた総合内科専門医でまだ会員でない先生が周囲におられたら是非入会のお声掛けをお願い致します。

ACP日本支部 支部長