Governor’s Newsletter(July 2024)


米国内科学会日本支部 支部長



ACP日本支部の会員の皆様、この度は5年ぶりの対面の学会にご参加いただきまして、誠にありがとうございました。Scientific Program Committee Chairで、2024年の年次総会・講演会の北野夕佳先生、担当理事の濱口杉大先生におかれましては、このような素晴らしい学会をご準備いただき、心より厚く御礼申し上げます。

今回は、I.M. Proud をテーマに、さまざまな素晴らしいセッションが開催されました。

ACP アンバサダーとして、ノースキャロライナ州支部長のMarion McCrary先生をお迎えし、Well-being 2.0とキャリア形成についてお話しいただきました。“Self-compassion is not a luxury, but a necessity.”というお言葉は多くの参加者に深く沁み入りました。

Marion McCrary先生講演時のお写真

Marion McCrary先生の受賞写真






また今回の圧巻の一つは、I.M. Proudとして、どのように学び続けているのかをさまざまな先生方にお話しいただき、満場の聴衆の中、大好評でした。




ゲストとして、ハワイ大学の上野直人先生のビデオコメントや、Dr. Marion McCrary先生にご参加いただき感想などをいただきました。

Dr. Marion McCrary先生のコメント中の様子


毎年白熱するDoctor’s Dilemmaや日頃の症例や研究を発表いただく黒川賞では、学生及び早期キャリアの先生方の素晴らしい成果が共有されました。

Doctor’s Dilemma決勝戦進出チームメンバーと出題者の先生方



支部長講演では、2023-2024年度で初めて実施しましたRising Star Scholarship ProgramでボストンのACP総会に参加された名嘉 祐貴先生、田中幸介先生に体験報告をしていただきました。


また以下のACP Japan Chapter’s Vision 2030を共有させていただきました。






Governor’s Newsletter July 2024

Harumi Gomi
Governor, ACP Japan Chapter

Dear members of the ACP Japan Chapter,

We are already halfway through the year 2024, and it is now time to feel the summer sun.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for attending our first in-person conference in five years. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Dr. Yuka Kitano, Chair, Scientific Program Committee and the 2024 Annual Conference, and Dr. Sugihiro Hamaguchi, Trustee in Charge, for preparing such a wonderful conference.

This year’s theme was I.M. Proud, and a variety of excellent sessions were held.

As an ACP Ambassador, we welcomed Dr. Marion McCrary, North Carolina Chapter Governor, who spoke about Well-being 2.0 and career development.” Self-compassion is not a luxury, but a necessity,” deeply touched many participants.

Photo of Dr. Marion McCrary during her lecture

Photo of Dr. Marion McCrary receiving the award

There were also two Governor’s sessions this time. One was a talk by Dr. Haruko Akatsu, Vice President of International University of Health and Welfare, on the importance and evidence of rapport building in medical interviews. It was a very inspiring talk.

Photo of Dr. Haruko Akatsu during her lecture

Photo of Dr. Haruko Akatsu receiving the award

Dr. Miwako Honda at the Tokyo Medical Center also spoke about “Humanitude”, the basic philosophy and practice of patient care. Mr. Yves Gineste also accompanied us from France and commented on the event. The event was very successful.

Photo of Dr. Miwako Honda receiving the award

One of the highlights of this year’s conference was a full house audience of various general internists who spoke about how they continue to learn as I.M. Proud.

The group photo of the speakers

The atmosphere inside the plenary session venue

The Student Committee has done a wonderful job every year.

This year the symposium was also conducted entirely in English and focused on supporting AYA generation cancer patients. Dr. Naoto Ueno of the University of Hawaii provided video comments and Dr. Marion McCrary gave feedback and comments on-site.

The scene during Dr. Marion McCrary’s comments

A group photo of student committee members

The Doctor’s Dilemma, which heats up every year, and the Kurokawa Award, in which students and early-career physicians present their daily cases and research, shared their wonderful achievements.

The finalists of the Doctor’s Dilemma competition and the professors presenting the questions

Dr. Shunichi Sato, winner of the Kurokawa Award (Case Report),with Dr. Kiyoshi Kurokawa

Dr. Shun Nakahara, winner of the Kurokawa Award (Clinical Research),with Dr. Kiyoshi Kurokawa

In the Chapter Governor’s Lecture, Dr. Yuki Naka and Dr. Kosuke Tanaka, who attended the ACP Annual Meeting in Boston under the Rising Star Scholarship Program implemented for the first time in the 2023-2024 academic year, reported on their experiences.

A photo taken with the three of us

I also shared the following ACP Japan Chapter’s Vision 2030.

1.The ACP Japan Chapter defines the role of the general internist and presents itself.

2.The ACP Japan Chapter will update evidence-based preventive medicine, disseminate information, and make recommendations.

3.The ACP Japan Chapter will establish a system of cooperation with national societies.

We will continue to hold informative annual meetings and lectures in a sustainable structure and further promote interaction among our members and participants. We will continue our activities in the hope that they will be promoted. We look forward to your continued guidance and encouragement.