Excellence Award Winner (Clinical Research Category)
Excellence Award (Clinical Research Category) Recipient’s Remarks
Tokushima University
I am honored to be the recipient of Excellence Award in the Clinical Research Category at the American College of Physicians (ACP) Japan Chapter Annual Meeting 2023. As a first-timer presenter at an academic conference, I feel belated to receive such a prestigious award.
The title of my research presentation was “Impact of Near-Peer Teaching on Medical English Learning Motivation among Medical Students and Residents.”
This is research is about an USMLE study group which I am a member of, called “USMLE Study Group of Tokushima (USGOT)”. The group objective is not only for holding USMLE study sessions, but also for improving its members’ motivation for learning English and studying abroad. To achieve these purposes, we work with Near-peer teaching methods rather than the Teacher-centered approach that is common in classrooms.
This study compared the Near-peer teaching method to Teacher-centered method in regard to its effectiveness in terms of participants’ English proficiency and attitudes toward studying abroad and taking the USMLE exam.
The reason I started this research was because of a suggestion from Prof. Yoji Hoshina, my senior in the group. I had no prior actual research experience, so this study was a learning experience as well. Under his guidance, I was able to design and conduct a study that I can be proud of. Additionally, I would like to thank Prof. Hodaka Takaiso, a graduate and senior of mine in the university and Prof. Kiyoshi Shikino of Chiba University for their advice and support during the whole research period. It was all their support that made realize the fun in research, and I would like to continue to do research study with this mindset in the future.
Finally, I would like to express my utmost sincere gratitude to the American College of Physicians (ACP) Japan Chapter for organizing this conference.