Internal Medicine Meeting 2023 Doctor’s Dilemma体験レポート(1)


福島県立医科大学附属病院の佐々木 庸輔先生から、Internal Medicine Meeting 2023 Doctor’s Dilemmaの体験レポートを頂きましたのでご報告いたします。

この度2023年4月にサンディエゴにて開催された米国内科学会のDoctor’s dilemmaに挑戦させていただきました,福島県立医科大学附属病院総合内科専攻医の佐々木 庸輔と申します.



Doctor’s dilemmaは早押しクイズ形式で行われ,司会者がまず問題文を読み上げ,回答権を勝ち取ったチームが回答を口述するというものでした.司会者が問題文を述べ終えてから問題文がモニターに提示されるため,英語のリスニング力が当然の如く試されました.一瞬の逡巡も許されぬスピーディ-な熱戦が繰り広げられていましたが,その雰囲気に呑まれて唖然としているうちにあっという間に終わってしまったというのが正直なところです.皆様のご期待に沿えず,準決勝に進出することはできませんでした. 難しい問題もありましたが,今回の主たる敗因は,紛れもなく「言語の壁」であったと感じています.




My name is Yosuke Sasaki, and I am a resident doctor in the Department of General Internal Medicine at Fukushima Medical University Hospital.

In the preliminary round of the Japan Chapter Congress that I participated in as an initial resident in 2021, I won second place and earned the right to participate in the Congress. I had initially planned to participate in the 2022 main competition, but I had to give up my participation in tears due to concerns about the COVID-19 pandemic. However, thanks to the special arrangement of the ACP Japan Chapter and the headquarters, we could participate as a three-member team with senior members of our department who won the championship in 2022.

I confess that I was anxious and nervous because it was my first time traveling abroad. But all the members of the Japan Chapter warmly greeted me, which encouraged me a lot.

The dilemma was conducted in a quick push quiz format, with the moderator reading the questions first and the team that won the right to answer dictating the answers. The questions were presented on the monitor after the moderator had finished reading the questions, so Listening skills are required as a matter of course. The speedy and heated competition, in which not even a moment’s hesitation was allowed, ended in a blink of an eye, and I was stunned by the atmosphere. Eventually, we could not make it to the semi-finals in the quiz competition. I think one of the primary reasons for the loss is the “language barrier.”

I was inspired by an American physician’s passion for internal medicine and impressed by their extensive knowledge and warm-heartedness. I always felt frustrated because I could not communicate with local people in English as much as I wanted to. These experiences have motivated me to learn not only medicine but also English, which will be necessary for my future growth as a physician and have significantly broadened my narrow perspective as a physician. In other words, the biggest takeaway from this trip was that I recognized the importance of having a global perspective as a Japanese physician. Learning English is indispensable to absorbing medical knowledge in depth and breadth. Therefore, after returning to Japan, I have been improving my English daily.

I am grateful to all the members of the Japan Chapter for giving me valuable opportunities and subsidizing my travel expenses. I am truly honored to be a member of the ACP and look forward to continuing my journey as a physician. Soon, I hope to return to the United States to compete once again.

Internal Medicine Meeting 2023ポスター発表体験レポート(2)


ACP日本支部年次総会・講演会2022 黒川賞(学生部門)を受賞して国立国際医療研究センターの岩田 純奈先生から、Internal Medicine Meeting 2023ポスター発表の体験レポートを頂きましたのでご報告いたします。

この度、2023年4月27日から29日にアメリカ・サンディエゴで開催された、米国内科学会総会2023 のNational Abstract Competitionに参加させていただきました。

米国内科学会日本支部総会2022においてMedical Student部門の黒川賞をいただいたため、米国内科学会総会での発表を日本支部よりご支援いただきました。私にとっては初めての現地での学会であり、それがさらに海外であることから当初は不安が大きかったのですが、抄録の登録から渡航まで日本支部の先生方やスタッフの皆様に旅費も含めた多くのサポートを受け、私の初の海外学会発表が実現しました。


発表自体はあっという間に終わってしまいましたが、発表の時間以外にも学会を目一杯満喫することができました。医学生や若手医師向けの講演に参加したり、ベッドサイドのスキルを学ぶスキルスセンターで実際に身体診察の練習をしたり、また大変優秀なInternational medical graduateと交流を行ったりなど、短い時間ではありましたが、刺激的で興味深い経験を積むことができました。日本では研修医生活がはじまったばかりというタイミングだったので、自分が今後どのようなキャリアを積むべきかを考えるきっかけとなりましたし、米国や日本で活躍されているロールモデルとなる先生方にも出会うことができ、まさにLife Changing Experienceになりました。この経験を活かして、今後も精進して参ります。



I participated in the National Abstract Competition of the Internal Medicine Meeting 2023 held in San Diego, U.S., from April 27 to 29, 2023.

As I received the Kurokawa Award in the Medical Student category at the American College of Physician Japan Chapter Meeting 2022, the Japanese Chapter supported me to have a poster presentation at the Internal Medicine Meeting 2023. I was initially very anxious because it would be my first on-site academic conference, and even more so because it would be held abroad. However, I received a lot of support, including financial support, from the physicians and staff of the Japan Chapter, from abstract registration to travel fees, and my first presentation at the conference in the U.S.  was realized.

I gave a poster presentation on the morning of April 29 (local time). The theme was ” The perceptions of overseas experiences among medical students in Japan: a national, online survey”, which summarized the responses from 548 Japanese medical students about how interested they were in studying and working abroad. On the day of the presentation, I was almost put off by the high quality of the poster presentations by U.S. medical students around me. Nevertheless, I was able to present with confident in front of the three judges and the Japanese participants who visited me to listen to my presentation. I was relieved that the judges listened to my presentation and asked me questions with their interest, even though my research targeted Japanese medical students.

Although the presentation itself was over in a flash, I was able to fully enjoy various contents at the conference. I attended many lectures for medical students and young doctors, practiced physical examination at the Skills Center where I learned bedside skills, and interacted with very talented international medical graduates. Every moment at the conference was an interesting and stimulating experience. Since I had just started my junior residency in Japan, it gave me a chance to think about what kind of career I would like to pursue in the future. Moreover, I met role models who actively work as a physician in the U.S. and Japan. It was truly a life-changing experience, and I will continue to make the most of this experience.

Finally, I would like to thank the American College of Physicians Japan Chapter and for supporting my presentation at IM2023.










Internal Medicine Meeting 2023ポスター発表体験レポート(1)


ACP日本支部年次総会・講演会2022 黒川賞(若手医師部門)を受賞してマウント・サイナイ・アイカーン医科大学の原田 洸先生から、Internal Medicine Meeting 2023ポスター発表の体験レポートを頂きましたのでご報告いたします。






I am pleased to announce my participation in the annual meeting of the American College of Physicians (ACP) in 2023. I would like to express my gratitude for the travel support from the ACP Japan Chapter that made this participation possible.

At the conference, I presented a poster that was selected for the Japan Chapter Award, detailing the trends in sarcoidosis mortality rates in Japan. We analyzed sarcoidosis-related mortality in Japan over the past 20 years among the older population, which revealed an increase in sarcoidosis related mortality rate, especially in the older population with a female predominance. Sarcoidosis has been attracting increasing attention recently, and the poster presentation drew the interest of many participants, leading to a meaningful Q&A session.

I have attended several international medical conferences previously, and I noticed that the ACP conferences are distinguished by their sophisticated lectures. The speakers were all excellent, focusing on important topics for internists in their talks and slides, allowing me to learn content that will be useful from the next day of the conference. The lecture addressing the issues within the U.S. insurance system was especially intriguing. The U.S. medical insurance system is highly complex, representing one of the major differences between Japanese and U.S. healthcare. This was an excellent opportunity for me to contemplate the ideal medical insurance system.

The conference was a valuable platform for information exchange, where I was able to gain new knowledge from experts around the world and share my own research widely. I plan to continue actively participating in ACP Japan Chapter conferences and the annual ACP conferences, and will strive to contribute to the advancement of the ACP Japan Chapter. Finally, I would like to extend my thanks once again to all those involved in the ACP Japan Chapter for providing this wonderful experience.

Governor’s Newsletter(May 2023)



3G (Gender, Generation, Geography)を超えて

3E(Equitable, Enjoyable, Empowering)の実現へ

米国内科学会日本支部 支部長



1.多様性の推進において、日本支部の運営においてこれまで以上に多様性を重視し、多角的な視点を取り入れます。特にGovernor Advisory Council には、学生、研修医、早期キャリア医師、女性の方々に積極的に参加いただける体制としました。

またWell-being 2.0の時代となり、医師の健康・安寧についても組織として推進して参ります。


3.教育科学に基づき、卒前・卒後・生涯教育が、連続性を持ちつながるように、学会として教育セッションを充実させたいと考えております。教育の一環で、国内外のACP会員のコラボレーションを促進し、英知を共有し、よりよい患者診療が実現できるように尽力します。 特に学生、初期研修医の方に総合内科のコアの部分を体験いただくための“Rising Star Scholarship Program”開始します。

国内の大きな課題である3G (Gender, Generation, Geography)の大きなギャップを乗り越えて、3E(Equitable, Enjoyable, Empowering)の組織を実現できるように尽力して参りますので、何卒よろしくお願い申し上げます。


ACP日本支部 支部長



New Governor’s Statement

I succeeded Governor Kenji Maeda as of April 29, 2023, and have been appointed the 5th Governor of the Japan Chapter of the American College of Physicians. The COVID-19 pandemic has almost ended, and the new post-COVID-19 era has begun. As the Governor, I have three objectives that I aim to accomplish during the next four years. First, I would like to promote more diversity in this chapter as well as within the country at large. Secondly, I would like to promote evidence-based preventive medicine, including cancer screening and adult vaccination programs. Thirdly, I would like to promote evidence-based education for health professionals which seamlessly links the undergraduate, postgraduate, and continuing professional development stages.

Allow me to explain these three objectives in more detail.

1.Promoting diversity

I shall be including more medical students, residents/fellows, and early-career physicians and women to the Governor Advisory Committee in order to incorporate a broader perspective with which to navigate the chapter. In addition, in the era of Well-being 2.0, we will be promoting the health and well-being of physicians from an organizational standpoint.

2.Promoting evidence-based preventive medicine

In order to pursue this goal, the Preventive Medicine Task Force Committee was established, and began its activities this year. This task force shall promote evidence-based preventative medicine as an academic society by delivering recommendations to clinicians.

3.Promoting evidence-based education to health professions

I will promote seamless evidence-based education for healthcare professionals that seamlessly link the undergraduate, postgraduate, and continuing professional development stages. As part of this education, we will promote international collaboration between ACP members in Japan and abroad in order to share wisdom and realize better patient care. Another project includes the “Rising Star Scholarship Program.” This scholarship program will be launched this year to support early career residents in Internal Medicine.

We look forward to the continued support of all Members, Fellows, and Masters, as we strive to overcome the 3Gs (Gender, Generation, Geography) gap which is a major challenge in Japan, and to achieve the 3Es (Equitable, Enjoyable, and Empowering) within the organization. I truly appreciate your understanding and cooperation in advance.


Harumi Gomi, MD, MPH, FACP, FIDSA

Governor, ACP Japan Chapter


Governor’s Newsletter(Feb. 2023)




2019年に支部長になって初めての仕事はCredentials Membership Committee (CMC)の改変事業でした。委員長の山田康秀先生の献身的なご協力も頂き、日本全国で活躍しておられるFACPの先生方を地域別に分けて、それぞれの地域の中で入会希望者やFACP昇格希望者の推薦を行える体制を整えることができました。お陰様でFACP昇格者も順調に増えています。





ACP日本支部 支部長


Governor’s Newsletter(Nov. 2022)


It is hard to believe that the year 2022 is almost over. My term as a governor will end at the next annual meeting, Internal Medicine 2023, which will be held in San Diego during April 27th until 29th next year. I have not been able to attend the annual meetings since 2020 because of covid-19 turmoil and the last BOG meeting in autumn this year in Savannah GA was cancelled because of the Hurricane Ian (and switched to the remote conference). That’s the reason why I strongly hope to participate in the next annual meeting in San Diego. I hope many members from our chapter will attend the meeting too.

Some of the committees in our chapter are planning to hold seminars in December: a seminar concerning PMR will be hosted by Generalism-Continuing Medical Education Committee on December 13th and a seminar for residents and early carrier physicians concerning “how to make clinical questions through case studies” will be hosted by Resident Fellow Committee on December 3rd. I hope many attendees will get something to bring back home.

Finally, I want to wish all of you and your family happy, safe and peaceful Holiday Season.

Kenji Maeda, MD, FACP


Kurokawa Award Winner (Medical Student Category)


Kurokawa Award (Medical Student Category) Recipient’s Remarks

Junna Iwata, Keio University, School of Medicine

I am honored to receive the Kurokawa Award at the ACP Japan Chapter Annual Meeting 2022.

I presented “Japanese medical student perceptions of working abroad: a national, online survey”. The results of a survey conducted by the ACP Japan Chapter Student Committee during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 were so interesting that I wanted to share them with the audience.

There is arising importance of internationalization in medical education in Japan. However, there are very limited data in Japan regarding medical student perceptions of international careers. This study aims to assess the perceptions toward working abroad among medical students in Japan and characterize the support they require. A total of 548 medical students from 59 medical schools in Japan participated in this study. Nearly 70% of participants were interested in working abroad while only 40% seriously considered it. A lot of students showed interest in clinical training abroad programs in the short term or while they are in medical school. Also, the need for language support and providing career options by role models were identified.

We hope that the results of this study will be useful for the further development of medical education in Japan. We are currently working on our next step, which is to publish our findings in an academic paper.

It was the first time for me to experience conducting research from scratch and presenting the results by myself, and I felt nervous before my presentation. However, I was encouraged by the many comments and questions I received during my presentation. I was so glad to conduct research from the viewpoint of medical students at the end of my medical school life.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Harumi Yano, the advisor of the ACP Japan Chapter Student Committee, Dr. Nishizono and Dr. Hashimoto of Oita University, Mr. Cyrus of WashU, the Student Committee members who have worked together, and everyone involved in the ACP Japan Chapter Annual Meeting 2022.



ACP日本支部年次総会・講演会2022 黒川賞(学生部門)を受賞して

慶應義塾大学医学部 岩田純奈


私は“Japanese medical student perceptions of working abroad: a national, online survey”という演題で発表させていただきました。2020年のコロナ禍、私が所属していたACP日本支部学生委員会での活動で行ったアンケートの結果が大変興味深かったため、ぜひこの結果を共有したいと考え、多くの先生方にご指導いただいて実現しました。












Kurokawa Award Winner (Resident/Fellow Category)


Kurokawa Award (Resident/Fellow Category) Recipient’s Remarks

Shun Nakahara, United States Naval Hospital Okinawa, Japan

I am honored to receive this prestigious Kurokawa Award. The case was “Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis potentially provoked by previous COVID-19,” which I experienced during my rotation in Internal Medicine at U.S. Naval Hospital Okinawa, Japan. The patient was diagnosed with cerebral venous sinus thrombosis 35 days after mild COVID-19. Although it was difficult to prove the causal relationship, the increased risk of venous thromboembolism after COVID-19 had been reported and CVST, in this case, might relate to his recent COVID-19. This case taught us that a careful history, including red flags of headache, must be obtained to maintain a low threshold to suspect CVST.

I could not receive this award without Dr. Early and Dr. Balter, who helped take care of this case and checked the abstract. I would like express my gratitude to Dr. Tsutsumi at Takatsuki Hospital, who helped improve my case presentation.

Lastly, I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone involved in the ACP Japan Chapter Meeting. Thank you all so much for offering us this precious opportunity.



ACP日本支部年次総会・講演会2022 黒川賞(研修医部門)を受賞して

沖縄米海軍病院  中原舜



